Tuesday, October 29, 2019

FDT 1 - week 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

FDT 1 - week 6 - Essay Example the broken immigration system into law will happen if there is a historical or shocking level of cooperation between the bickering parties in the United States political landscape. It can only happen if a bipartisan group from both political divides oversees the immigration reforms (Fifield, 2013). There exists a consensus between Congress and the White House in some of the main policy points in the immigration bill. The main points of agreement relate to the border security issues, a strict employer verification system, and a path to citizenship to people who come into the United States through the borders. A bipartisan group of senators will be the answer to fixing the broken immigration laws since the obstacle to fixing the laws is not policy related but the lack of political goodwill (Fifield, 2013). Fixing the broken immigration laws is not the time the president should exercise his bullying pulpit to make Congress act. It is a time for the president to let the group of eight senators from both parties to lead the way to the finishing line. A group of eight senators referred to as â€Å"the gang of 8" can provide a bipartisan solution to the immigration issue (Fifield, 2013). The group will provide the needed leadership. The group can push for what is to be fixed in the employment of undocumented immigrants, tightening security in the Border between the United Sates and Mexico, and offering a way through citizenship for undocumented immigrants can be granted. A sustained bipartisan spirit should prevail in the reform effort between Republicans and Democrats to fix the immigration

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