Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay The Fault of the Character Macbeth in Shakespeares...

The Fault of the Character Macbeth in Shakespeares Macbeth Macbeth by William Shakespeare is the story of a brave, honourable soldier who ruins his life due to his own greed for power, respect and wealth. The story starts with Macbeth as the kings favorite soldier, a very respectful, honorable man. Macbeth then is told by the witches his life will change for the better - All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter!. In a desperate effort to obtain this promised position of King, Macbeth takes his fate in his own hands. He kills, lies and betrays to get what he wants. This changes him, into a mean, suspicious and evil man. The story ends with the pathetic Macbeth being killed, therefore losing all that he finally had. The†¦show more content†¦The fact he changed his mind is the first example of how his personality changed throughout the play. Macbeth returns to the witches at the beginning of Act 4, desperate for new information - Howeer you come to know it - answer me. This shows he places much faith in the witches, which is his choice, therefore their words are not beyond his control. Lady Macbeths reaction to the news of the witches, which she received in a letter, was outwith Macbeths control. Her love for Macbeth and her ambitions for his happiness were what caused her decision that Duncan should be killed. However, Lady Macbeth realises in Act 3 that noughts had, alls spent - they have what they want but are not enjoying it. I think that after Lady Macbeths decision in scene 5 of Act 1, Macbeth had his own choice to make. He decided to listen and to follow Lady Macbeths instructions, even though he needed further encouraging. I believe that agreeing with Lady Macbeth was not his only choice. Macbeth is an impressionable man, as can be judged by his first reaction to the witches. While Banquo laughed at the witches predictions, Macbeth takes them very seriously and wonders how he can become Thane of Cawdor if the Thane is still alive. 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